Life Insurance for Prostate Cancer Survivors

Prostate cancer is a serious disease affecting many Americans. It also makes buying life insurance extremely difficult. But, the good news is that it is highly treatable and in most cases does not impact life expectancy. And, because there are several effective treatments for prostate cancer,there are a select few insurance companies that may offer extremely competitive rates.

In fact, there is one company that can potentially offer a better than average rate depending upon your specifics! The real key is to work with an agent that knows the underwriting “game” on the inside and can find you the best rate given your circumstances. In other words, an agent that has connections!

The Problem
But…..The truth is that most insurance agents do not have the expertise and most of all the willingness to do the work required to get you the best rate for life insurance. In fact, did you know that what most people think about life insurance agents is actually true?

Many life insurance agents:

  • Have an annual income that is under $40,000.
  • Do not stay in the business for more than 1 year.
  • Represent one or only a handful of insurance companies and are therefore unable to shop the marketplace for the top rates!
  • Hardly ever focus on YOU “the client” but more so on how they can sell you a policy and get paid.
  • Once a policy is sold, never contact their existing clients to provide service or support.
  • Have no idea about how to help you get the best rate for life insurance after Prostate Cancer!

It doesn’t have to be this way!………. YOU deserve better.

The Solution
The solution is obvious, find someone that does ‘KNOW THE GAME” and is “WILLING TO WORK” on Your behalf to find the best deal!

At MEG Financial, we have a proven System for helping our clients with successfully treated prostate cancer find the absolute best rates for life insurance, GUARANTEED! You do not have to overpay or run the risk or embarrassment of being declined for life insurance!

In fact, we have helped thousands of people with medical conditions, including prostate cancer, buy affordable life insurance. But don’t take our word for it….. See what some of our clients say about the work that we have done for them…

“MEG Financial went ‘above and beyond’ for me after I had been turned down by insurance company after insurance company for life insurance. I have had some major medical problems, and when I sought to replace a $750,000 and a $250,000 term life policy that had premiums rising through the roof each year, I was unable to get a new policy issued. I tried every insurance agent in my community, all without any luck whatsoever.

That was until we happened to come upon MEG Financial and agent Michael Gray. He went work to find a company that would insure me with the amount I required so I could replace the two older higher-priced policies. In an incredibly short period of time, he was able to do what literally dozens of other agents were not able to do. He found a reputable, nationally-known company that would issue me a $1 million policy with a guaranteed level premium for 10 years- exactly what I required.

And best of all, the single $1 million dollar policy was $4,986 a year less than the two policies’ annual premiums, plus I added an additional $250,000 worth of insurance as well.”

Larry Atkinson, South Dakota

“Thank you for placing my life insurance policy. I know that it was not easy due to my physical and medical conditions, not to mention my age. All of my prior attempts to place this policy were either rejected or the premium was not acceptable.

Thanks again! I could not have gotten this done without you. If I find that I need additional insurance for myself or my company, you will be my first call. I firmly believe that if you can’t get it done, nobody can.

James N. Allison, California

“It was that incredible level of detail and evening work you put forth. Just in that initial phone call you had me convinced that I could do so much better as far as annual premiums (than my other insurance company) for the same policy. I thought, “Let’s just see where this goes.

I can’t say enough about your professionalism and how well you followed through with everything you said would happen. That is hard to find anymore in ANY business. I was so impressed I signed up for an additional policy to replace another policy I have had for over 10 years.”

Stephen L. Prout, Ohio

“After talking with Michael at MEG Financial, we selected the best company for me and started the application. After the paperwork was gathered, the necessary physical completed and submitted, the underwriter did not want to grant the best rate for the policy. On a colonoscopy, there was an issue that was not an abnormal occurrence but was used as the ‘reason’ that I could not be granted the best rate. Since I am , and always have been in excellent health, exercise regularly, at 66, have excellent medical test results, we did not feel that this was justification for their position.

Michael gathered the necessary medical documentation to support our position and took the documentation to the underwriter to negotiate their position on the issue on my behalf. Michael’s strong and aggressive effort was successful in persuading the underwriter to reverse their position and the underwriter approved the best rate for the policy.

This effort resulted in a reduction of $24,000 in premiums over the life of the policy.Thank you!”

Terry L. Pate, Texas

“With MEG Financial’s expertise, I was able to purchase $900,000 of coverage guaranteed for 20 years from a nationally recognized insurance company, for only slightly more than I was paying for $400,000 of insurance that was increasing annually. I am delighted with the work they did for me and urge you to consider their services.”

Terry Baugh, California
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